The Cléophas network
The founders of the network
Philippe and Caroline met in 2012 while Caroline was providing strategic support to a company where Philippe was CEO.
After keeping in touch and regularly sharing ideas on a range of strategic and human issues, they both decided to launch their own consultancy businesses.
Anxious not to lock themselves into a form of solitude and to constantly renew themselves, they have together carried out challenging assignments. In September 2023, they decided to build on this experience by creating a network of entrepreneur-consultants, so that they could share the same experiences and pass on their raison d’être to as many people as possible.

Philippe Royer
Drawing on his experience as a CEO, his emotional stability and his communicative energy, he nurtures inspiring leaders and value-creating strategies.

Caroline Revol
An experienced, enthusiastic and empathetic consultant, she generates a high level of energy and imparts methods for deploying innovative strategies.
The network members
The national expansion of the Cléophas network is achieved through awarding of a brand licence which enables independent entrepreneur-consultants who share our values to join us.
These network associates draw on the support, skills and methods of Cléophas, as well as their own experience and uniqueness, to respond to customer requests in their own geographical area.
The Cléophas model, which was launched at the end of 2023 with the arrival of our first partner, is now well-established and enables a successful activity of those who join the network. The model combines an entrepreneurial spirit, sharing of experiences, robust methodologies and the strength of a collective in order to tackle major challenges.

Didier Beauvois
Didier Beauvois is an experienced leader and a skilled mediator with an international background. He reveals the leadership potential of individuals and generates a strategic momentum that transforms organisations.

Nicolas Wauquiez
A specialist in codesign and collective intelligence, he generates commitment from individuals and their teams to develop effective, pragmatic solutions.

Céline Denancé
Céline Denancé is an expert consultant with extensive entrepreneurial experience of supporting projects with economic, human and societal impact. She puts her sensitivity and energy at the service of mobilising action and individual and collective transformation.

Edward Hladky
Drawing on his experience as a CEO, his pragmatism and his enthusiasm, he reveals inspirational leaders and develops strategies that get the whole company on board.

Jean-Brice Bigourdan
Jean-Brice Bigourdan has a wealth of experience as an executive, an investment fund manager and entrepreneur. He helps managers and their teams to make the right decisions, to set a course and to take strategic action that makes sense.

Magaly Rovello
With her wealth of expertise in marketing and innovation and her resolutely optimistic outlook, Magaly brings a motivating energy and pragmatic methods to bear on the creation and implementation of strategies that create value and meaning for everyone.

Joanna Zoltowska
Driven by the desire to reveal each person’s unique potential, sensitive to human challenges and supported by her international executive
experience, she contributes to the emergence of harmonious solutions in complex or difficult situations, generating calm and efficiency for the team.